Another blog you say? That's right folks. You all have a million blogs that you follow, as do I but that's not the point. Yes I may be slightly addicted to the internet/shopping/pinterest/etc, and yes I'm ridiculously fashionable, but more importantly this is about being able to share my voice, perspective, ridiculous term I use "FLOGWORTHY" (really? Gretchen, stop trying to make
fetch happen!) I am working hard on the whole 'personal style' aspect of the blog since people seem to think I dress strangely... which might be fun to share... but I probably should hit the gym a bit before I start posing for pictures. (In case you were wondering I AM the ridiculously good-looking brunette with the short hair you see above. Be jealous, I know) So in the mean time, here are some photos of the most awesome shoes I wore today. Yay Sam Edelman! He really knows how to give a lady an edge.
So check back soon, check back often because I am going to be posting multiple times a day like it's my job because there is just a plethora of flogworthy content out there to share! (Seriously Gretchen????)
(ps can you tell I think I'm hilarious? Thought so....)
Sam Edelman spiked booties. My favorite shoes EVER!!! No one messes with me on the bus in these. No one! |
A little bit of menswear elegance with a feminine, 'I can kick your ass' backside. |
Ps I was at the bus stop and saw this girl rocking an AMAZING outfit. Maxi sheer dress with a cropped leather jacket, nude sandals and a colorful bag. Totally flogworthy. Now I just need a camera so my creepy iphone photos aren't so grainy.... |